
查询域名WHOIS请不要输入 www. IPV4 或者IPV6请输入合法有效的IP地址
本数据更新时间为:2023-10-10 12:32:08,您可以获取点击这里 《获取最新信息》

[Whois服务器: whois.jprs.jp]

[ jprs database provides information on network administration. its use is    ]
[ restricted to network administration purposes. for further information,     ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp help'. to suppress japanese output, add'/e'     ]
[ at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.jprs.jp xxx/e'.                 ]
[                                                                             ]
[ notice -------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
[ jprs will add the [lock status] element to the response format of jp domain ]
[ name on november 12, 2023.                                                  ]
[ for further information, please see the following webpage.                  ]
[ https://jprs.jp/whatsnew/notice/2023/231112.html (only in japanese)         ]
[ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ]
no match!!

jprs whoisは、jprsが管理している以下のドメイン名に関する情報を確認でき
詳しくは https://jprs.jp/about/dom-search/jprs-whois/ を参照してください。

参考: ipアドレスのwhoisサーバ
   ・jpnic whois(whois.nic.ad.jp)
   ・apnic whois(whois.apnic.net)
   ・arin whois(whois.arin.net)
   ・ripe whois(whois.ripe.net)
   ・lacnic whois(whois.lacnic.net)
   ・afrinic whois(whois.afrinic.net)
